
This is a v2 science API. These APIs are currently being implemented. Some features described in “Evolution of the Bridge System” are not yet available.

A study designer can create a Schedule for a study that describes what each participant should be prompted to do in the mobile app as part of the study’s protocol. The schedule is converted into a Timeline for client apps, which provides detailed information on how to display and execute the schedule for the participant. Metadata about this schedule is associated with the data you collect from assessments, so that your data analysis has the full context in which these assessments were performed. Since each participant can start a study at a different time, this schedule is not described relative to calendrical dates, but instead relative to a set of StudyActivityEvents that are specific to each participant.

Study Activity Events

Activity events (v1) have been replaced with the study activity events v2 API. The global v1 event APIs still work, but they are ignored by the v2 scheduling system.

It is best to start with an example of what an activity event is. If a user enrolls on March 14th, 2021, and the study wishes to have the user take a test on a weekly basis, then over the course of the study, that individual would be prompted to do the test on March 14th, March 21st, March 28th, and so forth until the end of the study. When a different user joins on May 1st, their activities would fall on May 1st, May 8th, May 15th, again until the end of the study. The schedule remains the same for both users, but it is calculated against a different timestamp for each user’s enrollment event in that study.

The server provides a number of system events that study designers can work with when building schedules (e.g. timeline_retrieved and created_on). Study designers can define additional events specific to their study and protocol, known as custom events.

Study activity event types
Event Name Description Behavior
created_on The timestamp of the moment an account is created. All accounts will have this event. Immutable
enrollment The timestamp of a user’s consent signature, which marks the moment the participant has joined the study by self-enrolling. For backwards compatibility, the first study enrollment will also create a v1 global enrollment event. This event will only be available if the study uses Bridge’s electronic consent support. Immutable
timeline_retrieved The timestamp of the first time a participant mobile app requests the timeline for a participant, or the participant’s mapping of recent activity events. This event will only be available if the study uses Bridge’s v2 scheduling support. Immutable 
session:guid:finished This event records the most recent time that a session instance derived from this session was marked as finished by the client. A participant will only have this value after they complete the first instance of this session, recording a finishedOn timestamp for the session instance. Future update only
assessment:identifier:finished This event records the most recent time that an assessment instance of this type was marked as finished by the client. It doesn’t matter in which session the assessment is found, so this timestamp can be updated by performing the same assessment as scheduled by different sessions. A participant will only have this value after they complete the first instance of this assessment, recording a finishedOn timestamp for the assessment instance. Future update only
sent_install_link This event records when a study coordinator or researcher sends an “install app link” message to a participant (via an email message or an SMS message, depending on the configuration of the account). If the message is sent again at a later time, this event will be updated. This can be used to track when follow-up is necessary during onboarding. Future update only
study_burst:identifier:number Schedules can define study bursts that will generate a dependent set of events when the originating event is fired. See study bursts. variable

Immutable events cannot be updated once a value is written to the server. Future update only events can only be changed if the new timestamp being submitted is after the timestamp that is persisted on the server. And mutable events have no restrictions and can be updated with any value. No system events are mutable, but custom events can be.

Note that events are also ordered by the time they are submitted or created on the server. When referring to the latest study activity event, we mean the most recently submitted or created event, not necessarily the event that occurs the most recently chronologically.

Event instances maintain the update behavior of the event at the time they are published. If you later change the update behavior of a custom event, any existing published events will not pick up this behavior.

The study activity events API for study coordinators and the study activity events API for participants provide access to a participant’s events.

Custom events

In addition, app developers can define new custom events for use by a study’s schedule. These events are defined as part of a Study object’s configuration:

  "customEvents": [
    {"eventId": "event1", "updateType": "immutable", "type": "CustomEvent"},
    {"eventId": "event2", "updateType": "future_only", "type": "CustomEvent"},
    {"eventId": "event3", "updateType": "mutable", "type": "CustomEvent"},
  "type": "Study"

Custom events can be given different behavior with respect to how they allow updates:

  • immutable events can be set once, and then can never be changed. Requests to update the value will be silently ignored;
  • future_only events can be set, and then after that, they can only be updated to a later date and time. If an earlier timestamp is sent, it is silently ignored;
  • mutable events can be set and then later they can be changed to a different value, or deleted.

Once an event is defined, custom events can be created and updated for a participant through the study activity events update API for study coordinators or the study activity events update API for participants. Custom events are differentiated with a “custom:” prefix (that is, if you define an event event1, it should be given as custom:event1 when submitted through the API—the API has some tolerance for differentiating custom events from system events, but this convention ensures no ambiguity is possible).

The event APIs return 201 even when the event will not be updated so that concurrent event updates do not trigger errors if the events are received out-of-order. If you wish to see a 400 response when events do not update, set the showError query parameter to true when calling the event create/update APIs.

Activity event history

Events that are mutable or future_only can create a history of different timestamp values that are important for maintaining the context of participant compliance with a protocol. These can be retrieved through the study activity event history API for study coordinators or the study activity event history API for participants.

For each scheduled assessment and scheduled session in a Timeline, the participant can have an AdherenceRecord, but this is per event timestamp value. So each adherence record is associated to an instance GUID describing an assessment or session instance, and the timestamp of the triggering event that was in effect when the participant performed that activity. This is important because when an event changes, it potentially creates a new timeline of activities to perform for participants, and state for the old timeline is usually hidden from the user going forward.

For example, if a scheduled entry occurs on the 3rd day after event X, and X can be changed, then the specification to perform a task 3 days after an event could mean:

  • “day 3 since event X1”; and
  • ”day 3 since event X2

So having the timestamp of an event as well as the instance GUID is crucial to retaining when the assessment was completed by the participant.


A schedule defines the overall duration of a study protocol and the activities that participants will be asked to perform.

Here is an example of the top-level JSON of a schedule:

  "name":"An example schedule",
  "studyBursts":[ bursts here...],
  "sessions":[...sessions here...],
Field Req? Description
name Y A name for the schedule to show study designers. Never shown to participants.
duration Y The duration of the sessions in the schedule, expressed as an ISO 8601 Duration of days or weeks (though these can be mixed).

No single series of scheduled sessions can run longer than this duration. If all the sessions in a schedule start at the beginning of the study, this duration should be the calendar duration of the study as it is actually performed by participants. However, if events can be triggered later in the study, then those time series can themselves be of the given duration. It is up to study designers to determine if this is acceptable, or if the design needs to be adjusted to more strictly limit the actual time it will take to complete the study.

If a session instance is scheduled to expire after the duration of the study, it will not be included in the schedule. For example, if you had a study of 4 weeks duration, and a session that repeated and remained active for 10 days, only 2 (not 3) instances of that session would be presented to the user.
ownerId The ID of the organization that owns this schedule. Unless the caller is an admin (who can set any organization), this will be the caller’s organization. It’s set by Bridge when the caller creates a new schedule.
published If true, this schedule has been published and can no longer be updated. Schedules will be published when the studies they are used in are moved out of the DRAFT state, so they cannot be changed once a study has started.
deleted Is the schedule logically deleted? It will no longer appear in lists of schedules (unless deleted items are included with a query parameter), though it can still be retrieved through the API.
clientData N An optional JSON payload that can be used to store arbitrary information with the schedule, usually information for UI or authoring tools (the clientData information is not copied over to the Timeline that is sent to a participant).
sessions N Described below (not required, but a schedule must contain at least one session to be useful).
studyBursts N Described below after sessions (study bursts are optional).
version Y An optimistic lock for this schedule. When updating an existing schedule, this value must be returned as part of the schedule. If it has been modified since retrieval, the server will return a 409 (Conflict) response and the schedule will not be updated.


The schedule in turn contains a number of Session objects that do the real work of defining a schedule. The session JSON is large, but it can be broken into three major parts.

First, each session defines a stream of activities that should be scheduled, starting with the time of one or more events known as activity events (the startEventIds array). For example if one of the events in the array was enrollment in a study, then the session would define one or more activities to perform in terms of “N days since enrollment.” If the event were a custom event named custom:clinic_visit, then the activities would be defined in terms of “N days since custom:clinic_visit.”

Each event in the list, with a specific timestamp, thus generates a separate stream of activities to perform. One common scenario would be a block of activities to perform after each of three clinic visits. Each visit can be defined as a separate custom event, and then that event can be created when the visit occurs for a particular study subject. It is not necessary to create three separate but identical sessions for each visit; instead, trigger one session based on three distinct events.

In this same JSON for a session, the event is enrollment (the time when the participant signs a consent on Bridge):

  "name":"Weekly Tapping Test",
      "value":"Let's get tappin’!",
  "startEventIds": ["enrollment"],
  "studyBurstIds": [], // see study bursts below
  "timeWindows":[...time windows here...],
Field Req? Description
name Y A name for the session to display in study design tools. The name will be included in a Timeline and will be used as the default value if no other label can be found to display to participants.
labels N An array of Label objects. The lang property is required and must be a valid ISO 639 alpha-2 or alpha-3 language code specifying the language of the label. The array cannot contain two labels with the same language code. The value is required, and should contain the label in the given language.

When returning a Timeline to a client, the caller’s languages will be used (in order of preference) to select a Label in that language. If this fails, the en language Label will be used as a default. If that also does not exist, the session name will be used as the label.
startEventIds Y One or more event IDs (described above) from which the activities in this stream will be calculated. At least one startEventId or one studyBurstId needs to be present in the session.
studyBurstIds Y One or more study burst IDs that will trigger this session for the user if the originating event occrs for them. At least one startEventId or one studyBurstId needs to be present in the session.
delay N If absent, the first activity of this session will occur the moment the client finds the event ID value defined in the participant’s event map. If present, this is an ISO 8601 duration measured in minutes, hours, days, or weeks.
interval N If absent, this session will be scheduled once (note that due to time windows, this does not necessarily mean the participant will have only one activity to perform; see below). If present, this is an ISO 8601 duration measured in days or weeks. Every interval period of time from the start event (plus the delay, if present), the session will be scheduled again, until the end of the study.
occurrences N A session with an interval will generate session instances until the end of a schedule. Alternatively, the session can define a fixed number of occurrences to issue before the stream ends. If the occurrences would extend beyond the end of the schedule, they are truncated. Note that null occurrences are equivalent to “1 occurrence,” and vice versa.
timeWindows Y The time windows are an array of TimeWindow objects. These are described below.

Time Windows

A session can contain one or more TimeWindow objects. Each of these windows effectively defines a separate (if closely related) scheduled session in the Timeline object that is returned to the participant. In general, time windows are used to schedule multiple performances of session in a single day (if a session has a time window that extends beyond a single day, it is harder to think of a scenario where having multiple time windows makes sense).

Field Req? Description
startTime Y A local time of day for the participant, given in MM:HH 24hr format.
expiration N The period after which the window should be removed as a task from the UI (whether it was started by the participant or not). If the session defines an interval, this value is required and it cannot be greater than the interval of the session. Upon expiration, if the assessment was started, the data should be uploaded.
persistent N If set to true, the session instance should be left in the UI for the participant to finish as often as they would like, until the session expires.


The second set of session properties is the list of the assessments to perform, and in what order:

      "title":"Medication Tracker",
      "colorScheme": {
        "foreground": "#FFFFFF",
        "background": "#ABBCE8",
        "activated": "#ABBCE8",
        "inactivated": "#C7D0E6"
      "title":"Tapping Test",
          "value":"Tapping test time!",
Session (assessment properties)
Field Req? Description
performanceOrder Y There are three possible values. sequential indicates the assessments must be performed in the order they appear in the schedule. randomized indicates the assessments should be randomized by the clients in their presentation to the participant. Bridge will randomized the order of assessments each time they are given as part of a session instance in a Timeline. Finally, participant_choice indicates the participant can complete the assessments in any order they wish.
assessments Y One or more assessment references to be performed as part of this session.

Beyond the guid, appId, and identifier properties, assessment references have no further required information. However, they can include display information; that information will not be added to the client app’s Timeline unless it is copied to the assessment reference at the time the schedule is created. It is expected that design-time tools will allow designers to select assessments, and then these tools will copy default information from the assessment to the assessment reference. At that point it can be edited by study designers (e.g. to translate the assessment’s presentation in the schedule into a new language).

Display information in the assessment reference
Display information in the assessment reference

Assessment references

Field Req? Description
guid Y The GUID of the assessment.
appId Y The app from which the assessment can be retrieved. This can have only one of two values: shared if the assessment is a shared assessment; and the appId of the app if the assessment is a locally managed assessment.
title N The title of the assessment. While it is the name of the assessment as seen by study designers, it can also be used as the label if nothing better exists.
labels N The labels of an assessment. The lang property is required and must be a valid ISO 639 alpha-2 or alpha-3 language code specifying the language of the label. The array cannot contain two labels with the same language code. The value is required and is the label in the given language.

When returning a Timeline to a client, the caller’s languages will be used (in order of preference) to select a Label in that language. If this fails, the en language Label will be used as a default. If that also does not exist, the assessment title will be used as the label (though it is not required to have a title).
identifier Y The identifier of the assessment. This can be used by client apps to identify resources (like icons) for an assessment that are not tied to a specific revision of the assessment.
colorScheme N A color scheme for the display of this assessment. This is an object with four properties defining up to four colors in hex triplet format (e.g. #FFF or #FFFFF). The four color properties are background, foreground, activated, and inactivated.

In UIs where a session is displayed (and not individual assessments), the design of the first assessment in the session can be used to render the session.
minutesToComplete N The minutes it takes to complete the assessment.

Notification Configuration

Finally, a Session can define one or more notifications that the mobile app should show to the participant. There is no limit set on these notifications other than the practical one of annoying participants. The total notification burden for the whole study is given in the totalNotifications value of the Timeline.

    "interval": "P2D",
        "subject":"Time to take the tapping test",
        "message":"It'll only take 2 minutes!",
        "subject":"Please help us",
        "message":"There's still time to  do the tapping test. It is important!",
Field Req? Description
notifyAt Y If a notification is defined, this value is required. Notifications occur relative to after_window_start or before_window_end.
offset N A period of time after_window_start or before_window_end when the notification should be shown. (Note that the value is positive, even when it is subtracting time from the end of the scheduling window.) If offset is not present, then the notification should be shown at the time the window begins or ends.
interval N If a time window lasts for more than twenty-four hours in the session, a notification can be repeated on a daily period value (only day values are allowed, e.g. “P1D”).
allowSnooze N A boolean indicating whether or not the participant may snooze the notification or reminder to be displayed at a later time.
messages Y An array of localized messages to display to the participant as the notification.

The lang property is required and must be a valid ISO 639 alpha-2 or alpha-3 language code specifying the language of the label. The array cannot contain two labels with the same language code. The subject is a short version of the message (40 characters or less) while the message field is a longer version (60 characters or less).

When returning a Timeline to a client, the caller’s languages will be used (in order of preference) to select a Label in that language. If this fails, the en language NotificationMessage will be used as a default. It is required to have an en message if notifications are enabled.

As an example, let’s say you have a time window that starts at 8am and lasts 7 days. You wish to notify the user at the start of the window, and then daily after that at 10am (until the assessment is done or the window expires). The configuration would look like this:

"notifications": [
    "notifyAt": "start_of_window",
    "messages": []
    "notifyAt": "start_of_window",
    "offset": "PT26H",
    "interval": "P1D",
    "messages": []

The second notification waits for 26 hours, which is 10am the day after the time window starts, and then repeats from that time every day at 10am. On the last day of the window, the window expires at 8am, so no notification is delivered on the final day.

Study Bursts

Some study protocols ask users to do a focused set of assessments in a compressed amount of time, then wait for an intermittent period before asking the participant to perform the assessments again. We refer to these kinds of protocols as using a “study burst” design. A schedule can define one or more study bursts to group sessions and repeat them at some interval.

You can repeat sessions and then include them in study bursts, causing activities to “stack” over each other in a protocol. This is a poor experience for users, but Bridge does not currently try and detect or prevent this. You will need to keep this in mind when designing study bursts

A simple rule of thumb is to ensure that all the sessions in a study burst either occur once, or repeat a fixed number of times that is clearly less time than the interval of the study burst.

A schedule can define a study burst alongside the sessions of the schedule:

  "studyBursts": [
      "originEventId": "custom:clinic_visit", 
      "identifier": "clinic_follow_up", 
      "interval": "P1W", 
      "occurrences": 4, 
      "updateType": "mutable", 
      "type": :StudyBurst"
  "type": "Schedule"

Each entry in this studyBursts array contains the following information:

Field Req? Description
originEventId Y The event that triggers this study burst. When this event is published in a participant’s activity event table, the study burst’s follow-on events will be calculated and added to the table.
identifier Y The identifier used for the study burst IDs. It must be unique for study bursts in this schedule.
occurrences Y The number of follow-on events that will be produced by this study burst. While sessions can be repeated until they reach the duration of the study, study bursts can currently only be repeated a fixed number of times.
updateType Y How these study burst events can be modified after creation.

In JSON example above, when the event custom:clinic_visit is created for a participant, four follow-on events will be created at one week intervals. Here is one example of what this might look like for a user:

Event ID Timestamp
clinic_visit 2021-10-22T19:32:54.820Z
study_burst:clinic_follow_up:01 2021-10-29T19:32:54.820Z
study_burst:clinic_follow_up:02 2021-11-05T19:32:54.820Z
study_burst:clinic_follow_up:03 2021-10-12T19:32:54.820Z
study_burst:clinic_follow_up:04 2021-10-19T19:32:54.820Z

The study burst thus schedules events into the future. For the configuration example above, these events are mutable, so they can be re-scheduled through the Bridge APIs for any user that has these events.

The mutability of these events, based on their relative update types, are as follows (the future only update type is a special kind of mutability):

Mutability of origin event and study burst events
Event Study Burst Result
Immutable Immutable Neither the event nor the study burst events can be changed once created.
Immutable Mutable The event cannot be changed, but the study burst events can be rescheduled individually. Updating the originating event will not change the burst events.
Mutable Immutable Event can be changed, but this will not change the study burst events, which cannot be changed individually either.
Mutable Mutable Event can be changed, causing the study burst events to be adjusted as well. In addition, the study burst events can be rescheduled individually. If you wish to update the originating event without modifying the mutable study burst events, the publish study event API can be called by setting the updateBursts query parameter to false.

The second part of a study burst is the specification of which sessions in the schedule should be repeated by the study burst. Each session can define one or more studyBurstIds that they will be included in:

  "startEventIds": [],
  "studyBurstIds": ["clinic_follow_up"],
  "type": "Session"

At least one startEventId or one studyBurstId is required in a session.


Once a schedule has been created, it can be communicated to participants through a partially resolved format known as a Timeline. There is also a study administrator api for retrieving the Timeline. The timeline shows when activities will occur over the days of the study, but it is not specific to any participant, so it does not show the actual dates when any of these activities will occur.

NOTE: The examples in this section are taken from this example-timeline.json for a short two week study. Unfortunately it does not include an example of a study burst.

  "duration": "P2W",

  "schedule": [
    // the schedule
  "sessions": [
    // SessionInfo objects describing the sessions
  "assessments": [
    // AssessmentInfo objects describing the assessments
  "type": "Timeline"

Timelines have the following top-level properties:

Field Req? Description
duration Y The duration from the schedule, which is the maximum amount of time any event time stream in the study can last for a participant. No single series of scheduled sessions can run longer than this duration. If all the sessions in a schedule start at the beginning of the study, this duration should be the calendar duration of the study as it is performed by participants. However, if events can be triggered later in the study, then those time series can themselves be of the given duration.
totalMinutes Y The total number of minutes it will take to perform all sessions in a timeline. This value is provided to schedule designers to give them a measure of the “performance burden” of their protocol for study participants.
totalNotifications Y The total number of notifications that will be presented to the participant by your study. This value is provided to schedule designers to give them a measure of the “burden” of the notification design for study participants.

Scheduled sessions

The schedule property of the timeline contains scheduled sessions with their scheduled activities. This is the timeline of what sessions and assessments should be done, and on what days.

  "schedule": [
      "refGuid": "LBHjyu4oragS2xmj3gtPQD_e",
      "instanceGuid": "B0sfyeq6wAW-YbBH5RFXbQ",
      "startEventId": "event1",
      "startDay": 0,
      "endDay": 0,
      "startTime": "08:00",
      "expiration": "PT8H",
      "assessments": [
          "refKey": "d9831818d9831818",
          "instanceGuid": "1ggnxuRfxovtibAQfcZXfQ",
          "type": "ScheduledAssessment"
      "type": "ScheduledSession"
      "refGuid": "dAGKM4nN39cDbyADic_bDNXs",
      "instanceGuid": "5m4DWgtn0oY3S8LR72QowA",
      "startEventId": "enrollment",
      "startDay": 2,
      "endDay": 8,
      "startTime": "00:00",
      "expiration": "P1W",
      "assessments": [
          "refKey": "6e56429e6e56429e",
          "instanceGuid": "S_OM4Jv3Cov4GM3N_tAcCg",
          "type": "ScheduledAssessment"
      "type": "ScheduledSession"
      "refGuid": "LBHjyu4oragS2xmj3gtPQD_e",
      "instanceGuid": "SNRtbbtLy5Gfiy8QP37GpQ",
      "startEventId": "enrollment",
      "startDay": 7,
      "endDay": 7,
      "startTime": "08:00",
      "expiration": "PT8H",
      "assessments": [
          "refKey": "d9831818d9831818",
          "instanceGuid": "r7o4Vo0UqzfiYGiTejW69A",
          "type": "ScheduledAssessment"
      "type": "ScheduledSession"
  "type": "Timeline"

Each entry in this array has the following properties

Field Req? Description
refGuid Y This is a reference to a SessionInfo entry in the top-level sessions property array of this timeline. That block contains all the configuration information for this session (and all the other instances of this session that were generated from the same repeating session. This GUID happens to be the GUID of the session in the schedule.
instanceGuid Y This is a unique identifier for any study data generated and uploaded as part of this performance of a repeating session. Uploads should include the session or assessment instanceGuid along with the timestamp of the event that triggered this scheduled session, so the server can reconstruct the relationship of the schedule and the upload at a later time.
startEventId Y The event in the user’s event map that should trigger a calculation of this session’s time stream to determine if any of its tasks should currently be presented to the participant for completion. Note that this can be directly specified in a schedule, or it can be an event calculated to represent a study burst (e.g. study_burst:clinic_follow_up:04). This should not matter to clients as the scheduled assessment should be treated the same way.
startDay Y The first day on which this scheduled session should be introduced to the participant (taking account the startTime and expiration period). This value is zero-indexed. The “day since event X” is calculated from the time of an event timestamp to the participant’s current local time, as a number of days (these are calendar days, not 24 hour periods). The specific event to measure against is the startEventId in the SessionInfo object for this scheduled session.
endDay Y The last day on which this scheduled session should be provided to the participant. The “day since event X” is calculated from the time of an event timestamp to the participant’s current local time, as a number of days (these are calendar days, not 24 hour periods). If this session expires but was started the data that was collected should be uploaded without updating the finishedOn timestamp of the associated history record.
startTime N The local time of day that the scheduled session should be shown to the user. This is the beginning of the time window for this scheduled session, which is also used to specify notification behavior.
expiration N If present, this is a duration from the startTime or delayTime after which the session should be removed from the UI. This value is required if the session as a whole has an interval value and repeats, and it must be equal to or shorter than the repeating interval. If the scheduled session was started by the user, partial data should be uploaded to the Bridge server after the scheduled session expires.
delayTime N If there is a delay of less than a day on a scheduled session, then a delayTime will be provided. Depending on the local time, the client may choose to use this to delay before showing the scheduled session (e.g. if the timestamp is after the specified startTime).
assessments Y This is an array of the assessments in this session. The order they should be presented or performed is given by the performanceOrder field of the SessionInfo object for this scheduled session. Each assessment will have a refKey to an AssessmentInfo entry under the top-level assessments property array, and an instanceGuid which is the unique identifier for any study data generated and uploaded by this assessment. (The refKey is a transient internal reference within the Timeline JSON to a configured assessment block in the same JSON).
| delayTime | N | On the first day of a scheduled session, the `startTime` may be before or after the event timestamp that triggers the schedule session. If it is after the timestamp, then the app should wait until that time to start the scheduled session; if it is before the timestamp, the app should immediately start the scheduled session. If a `delayTime` is present, the client should wait until both the `delayTime` and the `startTime` have passed. This can force a break in activities when they are scheduled in a short period of time (e.g. at the beginning of a study). |

The scheduled assessments have only two pieces of information:

Field Req? Description
refGuid Y This is a reference to a AssessmentInfo entry in the top-level assessments property array of this timeline. That block contains all the configuration information for this assessment (since assessments can be configured differently, this is not the assessment’s GUID, it is an internal reference for this JSON object only).
instanceGuid Y This is a unique identifier for any study data generated and uploaded as part of this performance of a repeating assessment (within a repeating session). Uploads should include the session or assessment instanceGuid along with the timestamp of the event that triggered this scheduled session, so the server can reconstruct the relationship of the schedule and the upload at a later time.

In addition to this schedule, there are configurations for the highly redundant Session and Assessment information. This information is similar to the Schedule but 1) it merges in UI display information from the assessment and 2) it resolves language dependencies and returns the best language options for the participant retrieving the Timeline:

  "assessments": [
      "key": "6e56429e6e56429e",
      "guid": "vB2sRcexlEnqIWPOrBy2ReWD",
      "appId": "api",
      "identifier": "test-survey",
      "revision": 1,
      "label": "Take the enrollment survey!",
      "minutesToComplete": 10,
      "colorScheme": {
        "background": "#FF00FF",
        "type": "ColorScheme"
      "configUrl": "",
      "type": "AssessmentInfo"
      "key": "d9831818d9831818",
      "guid": "63UuD59NLrpJGsvbdVU2wul7",
      "appId": "shared",
      "identifier": "digital-jar-open",
      "revision": 2,
      "label": "Digital Jar Open",
      "minutesToComplete": 2,
      "configUrl": "",
      "type": "AssessmentInfo"
  "sessions": [
      "guid": "LBHjyu4oragS2xmj3gtPQD_e",
      "label": "Weekly Jar Opening Test",
      "symbol": "⭐",
      "minutesToComplete": 2,
      "performanceOrder": "sequential",
      "timeWindowGuids": ["bDNXs_9cDbyADicdAGKM4nN3"],
      "type": "SessionInfo"
      "guid": "dAGKM4nN39cDbyADic_bDNXs",
      "label": "Background Survey",
      "symbol": "✔️",
      "minutesToComplete": 10,
      "performanceOrder": "sequential",
      "timeWindowGuids": ["uD6rp3U59NLJdVGul7svbU2w"],
      "notifications": [
          "notifyAt": "after_window_start",
          "offset": "PT10M",
          "interval": "P1D",
          "allowSnooze": true,
          "message": {
            "lang": "en",
            "subject": "Please take the initial survey",
            "message": "This survey is very important to us, please do it!!",
            "type": "NotificationMessage"
          "type": "NotificationInfo"
      "type": "SessionInfo"

The values of these fields are given in the description of the Session and Assessment objects above (most of this information is copied over from the schedule without modification, although labels and notification messages are localized for the language of the caller). Note that both local and shared assessments may appear in the schedule. You must retrieve the configuration for these assessments through different endpoints, so they provide a configUrl property for this purpose.

Caching a timeline

Published schedules cannot be changed, so their timelines cannot be changed, allowing for long-term local caching of Timeline data. Participant-facing Timeline APIs accept the If-None-Match ETag caching header, and will return 304 if the Timeline has not been modified (it has the same ETag as the value supplied by the client through the If-None-Match header).

Calculating the participant’s schedule

A participant’s schedule can be determined from their timeline and study activity events. The ParticipantSchedule applies this information to a participant’s actual schedule (calendrical time), based on their event timestamps. The ParticipantSchedule can be retrieved by participant client applications using the participant schedule for participants API, while study coordinators can view this schedule via the participant schedule for study coordinators API.

The schedule is similar in structure and content to the Timeline but includes concreted dates for the scheduled sessions and scheduled activities:

Field Req? Description
dateRange Y The earliest calendrical date and the latest calendrical date for this participant when the study will prompt the participant to do activities. This can change if the participant’s study activity events change.
clientTimeZone Y The client time zone of the participant, or if that is unknown, the time zone of the study, or if that is also not set, UTC.
eventTimestamps Y A complete map for the user of the user’s events, mapping event ID to the most recent timestamp when that event occurred.

In addition, ScheduledSessions have these properties:

Field Req? Description
startDate Y The date in local time (determined using clientTimeZone) when the session should start.
endDate Y The date in local time (determined using clientTimeZone when the session should end.

The schedule can also be calculated from the component information (Timeline and StudyActivityEvents) by external partners if they wish to adjust the way schedules are calculated in some manner, so it is helpful to understand Bridge’s algorithm for creating the participant schedule.

  1. Bridge starts with the timeline for the participant’s study and the map of current study activity events for that participant.
  2. Bridge determines the local time of the participant using the clientTimeZone field of the participant’s StudyParticipant record. This value must be supplied when an app calls the participant schedule for self API, but if it is not present, the system falls back to the study’s studyTimeZone value, and if that also does not exist, it uses the UTC time zone.
  3. For each event in the activity event map, it calculates the “day since event N” for this participant, from the event to the current local time of the participant. For example, in Java you would use ChronoUnit.DAYS.between(eventTimestamp, now) or with the Joda Time library, Days.daysBetween(start.toLocalDate(), end.toLocalDate()).getDays();
  4. For each event ID in the map, Bridge looks for ScheduledSessions in the Timeline that have the same startEventId or studyBurstId, and where the startDay <= daysSinceEvent and endDay >= daysSinceEvent. Scheduled activities that are keyed off an event that is not in the participant’s events are not included in the ParticipantSchedule and are not presented to the user. Note that this can change over the course of a study, sometimes from external sources, e.g. a study coordinator could re-schedule a participant’s study burst.
  5. Bridge does not calculate time-of-day information, but to utilize the schedule, a client would then need to examine if each session occurring on the current day had a time window that overlapped with the current system time. Some sessions may have already expired for the time of day, or should not yet be presented to the participant.

At this point, the participant’s schedule can be compared to their adherence records in order to determine their adherence. Adherence information also allows client applications to do things like hide sessions that are already completed.