
This is a v2 science API. These APIs are currently being implemented. Some features described in “Evolution of the Bridge System” are not yet available.

Demographics APIs can be used to submit and fetch demographics information about participants. See also: the demographics APIs endpoint documentation.



A DemographicUser represents a collection of demographics owned by a specific user at either the app level or the study level. A participant which has demographics information at both the app level and study level will have a DemographicUser at the app level and another DemographicUser at the study level.

A DemographicUser contains a collection which maps the category name of the demographic to a Demographic.


A Demographic contains demographic information for a specific participant, either at the app level or study level, in a specific category. It can contain multiple possible values. The category name for the Demographic is stored as the key to the collection contained within the DemographicUser

Demographics can be multipleSelect if the participant identifies with multiple values within that category (e.g., if the category is ethnicity), in which case any number of values is accepted. If a Demographic is not multipleSelect, it must have exactly 1 value.

Currently, values of Demographics are untyped and all values are stored as strings. This means that retrieving a Demographic will always return its values as strings (see DemographicResponse). However, values can be uploaded with any type (number, boolean, string).

Demographics can have units associated with their values. If there are no units, the units field should be null or left out.

Assessment Models

The DemographicUserAssessment, DemographicUserAssessmentAnswerCollection, and DemographicUserAssessmentAnswer are used to submit demographics using the assessment APIs. However, demographics cannot be retrieved using the assessment format; they can be retrieved using the non-assessment format APIs only.

Response Models

Responses from demographics APIs can return the demographics response models. They will not return a DemographicUser, Demographic, or any of the assessment Models.


A DemographicUserResponse is similar to a DemographicUser, but it also contains the user ID of the user who owns the returned demographics. Additionally, the collection which maps category name to demographics contains DemographicResponses instead of Demographics.


A DemographicResponse is similar to a Demographic, but it also contains an ID which can be used to delete the demographic. Additionally, the collection of values will always be a collection of strings.


A DemographicUserResponseList is a PagedResourceList which contains a list of DemographicUserResponses.

API Categories

Demographics APIs are split into multiple categories: self and non-self, app-level or study-level APIs, and assessment or non-assessment APIs.

Self and Non-Self

Demographics can be operated on by the participant who owns the demographics, or on their behalf by a researcher, study-coordinator, etc.

For example, the saveDemographicUser endpoint will allow any researcher or study-coordinator to post demographics on a specified user's behalf. A participant can use the saveDemographicUserSelf API to submit their own demographic information.

App-Level and Study-Level

Demographics can be operated on at the app-level or study-level. App-level demographics are a user's demographic information associated with an app, whereas study-level demographics are associated with a specific study within an app.

For example, the saveDemographicUserAppLevel endpoint can be used to submit app-level demographics, whereas the saveDemographicUser endpoint can be used to submit study-level demographics.

Assessment and Non-Assessment

Demographics can be submitted in an assessment format or non-assessment format.

Unless your use case requires it, it is recommended that you use the non-assessment APIs.

The assessment APIs accept a JSON format conforming to the Bridge mobile client assessment result instead of the typical JSON format.

For example, the saveDemographicUserAssessment endpoint will allow the submission of demographics in the assessment format, whereas the saveDemographicUser endpoint will allow the submission of demographics in the typical format.

Participant Versions and Synapse

Demographics are part of the participant version record. Updates to demographics will create a new participant version, and any updates that cause a new participant version to be created will store a new copy of demographics. If exporting is enabled, demographics will also be exported to Synapse.

Exporting to Synapse

To enable exporting of demographics, the app/study will need to be initialized for exporting. If the app/study was already initialized for exporting, it will still need to be re-initialized for exporting.

Demographics are exported to Synapse along with participant versions. However, they are stored in a separate table called "Participant Versions Demographics" alongside the original "Participant Versions" table.

The "Participant Versions Demographics" table contains the study ID of the study associated with the demographics (null if app-level), the demographic category name, the demographic value, units for that demographic (can be null), and invalidity (see validation). It also has a health code and participant version number which can be used to join the demographics table with the main participant versions table.

If the demographic is multiple select, each value will be stored in a separate row. If the demographic is multiple select with no values, there will be a single row containing a value of null.


The main participant versions table can be used with the demographics table by joining them together in a Synapse MaterializedView on the health code and participant version number columns.

A MaterializedView which joins the participant versions table and demographics together is provided. It is created alongside the demographics table and is named "Participant Versions Demographics Joined View."

App-Level and Study-Level

In the same way that each app has a separate participant versions table and each study has a separate participant versions table, each app has a separate demographics table and joining view, and each study has a separate demographics table and joining view.

App demographics tables contain all app-level demographics for that app and all study-level demographics for each of its substudies. Study demographics tables contain all app-level demographics for that study's parent app and all study-level demographics for that particular study.


Demographics can be validated to ensure that their values conform to specified restrictions. This validation can ensure that values are in a specified set of allowed values ("enum" validation), or that values are numbers which fall within a certain range, inclusive ("number range" validation).

When a demographic fails validation, any values which are invalid within the demographic will have an associated error message stored in the "invalidity" field. If exporting is enabled for an app/study such that demographics with an "invalidity" message are exported to Synapse, this "invalidity" message will be stored in the Synapse table as well.

Validation restrictions are specified using a DemographicValuesValidationConfig. It should be submitted to the POST endpoint for demographics validation (using the appropriate endpoint for either app-level or study-level demographics) under the categoryName whose demographics should be validated.

The configuration consists of a validationType and validationRules. validationType specifies the type of validation and determines the schema of validationRules, and validationRules specifies the rules for validation. See below for available types of validation.


Enum validation ensures that every value submitted in the validated category is listed in a pre-defined set of allowed values. Enum validation is case sensitive.

To use enum validation, validationType should be "enum" and validationRules should be a DemographicValuesEnumValidationRules. DemographicValuesEnumValidationRules should be an object which maps language codes (e.g., "en" for English) to arrays containing strings of allowed values.

While any valid language code may be submitted, currently only English ("en") is supported for validation.

Example of DemographicValuesValidationConfiguration for enum validation:

  "validationType": "enum",
  "validationRules": {
    "en": [

If this DemographicValuesValidationConfiguration is submitted as an app config element with the key bridge-validation-demographics-values-foo, then all demographics in the category named "foo" will be validated to make sure they are exactly the strings "bar" or "baz".

The following values WILL be allowed:

  • "bar" in category "foo"
  • "baz" in category "foo"
  • "abc" in category "qux"

The following values WILL NOT be allowed:

  • "BAR" in category "foo"
  • "BAZ" in category "foo"
  • "abc" in category "foo"
  • 20 in category "foo"

Number range

Number range validation ensures that every value submitted in the validated category is a number which falls between a specified min/max, inclusive. Both the min and max are optional; if the min or max is not specified, the range is assumed to be unbounded on that end.

To use number range validation, validationType should be "number_range" and validationRules should be a DemographicValuesNumberRangeValidationRules. DemographicValuesNumberRangeValidationRules should be an object which contains up to 2 keys: "min" and "max". Both "min" and "max" are optional, and both should be numbers if they are specified.

Example of DemographicValuesValidationConfiguration for number range validation:

  "validationType": "number_range",
  "validationRules": {
    "min": -50,
    "max": 200.7

If this DemographicValuesValidationConfiguration is submitted as an app config element with the key bridge-validation-demographics-values-foo, then all demographics in the category named "foo" will be validated to make sure they are numbers greater than or equal to -50, and less than or equal to 200.7.

The following values WILL be allowed:

  • -50 in category "foo"
  • -50.0 in category "foo"
  • 200.7 in category "foo"
  • 0 in category "foo"
  • 10.5 in category "foo"
  • "abc" in category "qux"

The following values WILL NOT be allowed:

  • -60 in category "foo"
  • 210 in category "foo"
  • "abc" in category "foo"