Synchronous Health Data Submission

Synchronous Health Data Submission works best if you have a small amount of data, and that data can be expressed as key-value pairs in a JSON blob. Survey responses are a good example use case.

Setting Up Your Schema

If you're using a schema, the schemaType doesn't matter. However, the schemaType field is still required and you should still set it to something reasonable. If for whatever reason you're also using this schema for Bundle Zip File Uploads, you should set this value to be consistent with what a Bundle Zip File Upload would expect.

The schema field names should match the keys in your submitted health data. For example, if your health data looks like

  "sports":["fencing", "running"],

Then your schema field names should be "sports", "sleep", and "sleep_unit".

Submitting Health Data

To submit health data, send an HTTP POST request to /v3/healthdata (or use your platform's SDK). Example request body:

  "appVersion" : "version 1.0.2, build 8",
  "phoneInfo" : "iPhone 6",
    "sports":["fencing", "running"],
Attribute Name Description
appVersion App version, as reported by the app. Generally in the form "version 1.0.0, build 2". Must be 48 chars or less.
createdOn ISO8601 timestamp of when this data measurement was recorded. If the data was measured over a long period of time, the timestamp should represent when the data was last measured and written.

Similar to timestamp data as described in Schemas, apps should refrain from "canonicalizing" to a default timezone such as UTC, as this is a loss of data.
phoneInfo Phone info, for example "iPhone9,3" or "iPhone 5c (GSM)". Must be 48 chars or less.
schemaId Schema ID used to process your health data. Do not include this field for Schemaless health data.
schemaRevision Schema revision of the schema used to process your health data. Do not include this field for Schemaless health data.
data Health data to submit, as key-value pairs in a JSON object.
metadata Health data metadata, as key-value pairs in a JSON object. See Health Data Metadata for more details.

You will get a response in the form

  "data": {
    "string.json.string": "This is a string",
    "blob.json.blob": "b72c3894-d544-4449-bcaf-d88063f123ec"
  "id": "4f1d0d7e-0487-49c6-bc53-c5a84dacdc2d",
  "schemaId": "upload-test-json-data",
  "schemaRevision": 1,
  "type": "HealthData",
Attribute Name Description
data The submitted health data. This is usually the same as the "data" field in the posted HTTP request. Some fields may be canonicalized according to the field types in the schema. If you have attachment fields, the value will be replaced with the attachment ID, which is a reference to the attachment.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are using schemaless health data, this field will be blank.
id Record ID. Very useful if you want to track your submission's progress through Bridge Server all the way to Synapse. Be sure to remember this as part of your QA process.
schemaId Schema ID used to process your health data. Null for Schemaless health data.
schemaRevision Schema revision of the schema used to process your health data. Null for Schemaless health data.
type Always "HealthData". Identifies the response type.
userMetadata Health data metadata, as submitted in the request.

NOTE: There is a field called "metadata" in the response, which is different from "userMetadata". The "metadata" field refers to an old legacy feature and has no relation to health data metadata.

For Surveys

When you publish a survey, Bridge will automatically create a schema for it, as described in V1 Legacy Surveys.

Submitting health data for surveys is exactly the same as submitting health data for schemas, except instead of using the schemaId and schemaRevision attributes, you use the surveyGuid and surveyCreatedOn attributes. This surveyGuid and surveyCreatedOn correspond to the survey (in Bridge server) that the bundle should be submitted against.

For your data, you should submit a map of key-value pairs, where the key is the survey question name, and the value is the answer. Bridge will automatically transcribe the data in the specified file into the answers field.

In this case, your request body would look like:

  "appVersion" : "version 1.0.2, build 8",
  "phoneInfo" : "iPhone 6",
    "sports":["fencing", "running"],

Then the "answers" field in the health data record would look like:

  "sports":["fencing", "running"],

NOTE: For backwards compatibility with the old survey format, if the existing survey schema has fields that match the survey question name (as matched to the key in the submitted data file), it will also attempt to populate that field with the answer to that survey question.

IMPORTANT NOTE: surveyCreatedOn corresponds to the survey's createdOn timestamp, NOT when the survey response was created. Using the wrong timestamp for surveyCreatedOn will result in a "schema not found" error.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If the survey exists in the app but doesn't have a corresponding survey in Bridge server, use schemaId and schemaRevision instead.